Should I Get My Own Boots?
Well the short answer is yes. Your boots are basically the interface of your body to the board or skis. Form fitting, snug boots make the riding experience so much better.
Rental boots are the way to go for your first time but after that you need to think about getting your own boots. Rental boots are mass produced and sold on their simplicity and resilience. They are then worn by lots of different people with lots of different foot shapes, and believe me there are LOTS of different foot shapes. Inners are made of compressible foam and are designed so that as a boot is tightened up it envelopes and conforms to the foot. But foam is only elastic for a finite time and if it is forced to change shape a lot it won’t go back to a single form.
Your own boots will take on your foot shape and stay that way. The better quality boot, the better quality the liner. A perfect fitting inner matched to a quality outer or boot shell will make your riding improve as you won’t hurt and you won’t move around in your boot.
Take your time when you purchase and listen to the boot fitter. Small pressure issues can really hurt after a few hours of riding so don’t rush the fitting. Your bootfitter can work magic on your boots so tell them what you feel.
Skiing or boarding isn’t supposed to hurt (well not from your equipment anyway) so get your boots right. Then it’s up to you and the mountain.
For more tips on your Snow Sport equipment stay in touch:
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